Adora has taken on little Annie as her own. It turned out in the end that Adora is Annie’s real foster Mom (haha). It is just the sweetest thing to see the connection between this two little fur babies!
Adora loves to carry around little yellow Nerf Rival balls at night and makes these wild cute little noises. As soon as little Annie hears her Adora she races off meowing to find her. Adora is a beautiful diluted Calico that is fun and also quirky at times. She is always sitting pretty. She is Extremely affectionate, talkative, and loves attention as well. She is, however, not a fan of dogs!
Little Annie is a cute little gray tabby with all white feet. She has such a gentle demeanor and is an easy going little girl for the most part. They really are an absolutely beautiful little duo that anyone would be blessed to have as part of their family!